White Tank Mountains Engagement Session

White Tank Mountains is such a stunning location for engagement photos. Holy crap. Where to even begin with these two. From the moment Bailey reached out to me I knew we were going to be 110% a perfect fit. I honestly don’t think we stopped laughing the entire 2 hours we spent together. About a week before their engagement session she messaged me and said “We’re looking for just a cool desert spot. We have my grandpas cool old white 66 GTO convertible we thought might be cool out in the desert but not sure how far it can go! & also can we bring our dogs?” UM WHAT.

First off, the answer will always be 110% YES and will always be YES to dogs coming to sessions. I am probably one of the biggest dog lovers ever. This session also convinced me I wanted a small dog. How CUTE are Chip and Poppy!?

ALSO old vintage cars are the coolest props and add so much unf to photos. These two completely trusted me with just pulling off the road and finding this magic spot. It worked out perfectly with the sun just slightly being blocked by a huge gorgeous cacti and plenty of room for the car to be on a dirt road with no one around.

Can’t wait to capture & party with these two on their wedding weekend in April at the Saguaro Lake Guest Ranch!!
